Thursday, June 04, 2009


We celebrated Amy's birthday on Friday with 16 friends from school. Each of Amy's friends have a special relationship with her, and accept her and love her. It is a dream come true for us. We all need friends. We all need to feel accepted and loved. It was so fun to watch the girls go from the pool to holding puppies, to the tramp, into the hot tub, back to the puppies.....we had a water balloon fight which was A LOT of screaming, especially when Russ brought out the garden hose and started spraying everyone...they got him back with a few buckets of water! All in all, it was a great celebration of life. A day doesn't go by that I don't thank God for giving Amy to me. She brings a whole new dimension to our family. It is not always easy, and battling leukemia was probly the hardest part of having a child with downs. Now that we have conquered that, life is grand. I am blessed to have her in my life.