I like the messages on the blog to keep all of you up to date on the happenings at Rolling Oaks, but also to encourage you in your everyday life. Following is a message that was so inspiring to me, I wanted to share it with all of you. It is another reminder of how grand this life is, through the valley and on the mountain tops! Life is not easy for anyone. When we placed Rhea into Carol’s arms the day they picked her up, Russ said he believed she would be a “Rhea of hope”. Hope is what we all need to cling to. I am so very happy that one of our puppies can bring joy and hope into a home. That is what this life is all about. We all know how unpredictable life is, and how important it is to live for “The Day” when we stand before our King.
Dear Barb,
Yesterday we celebrated Rhea’s first birthday (from Emmy and Captain’s litter, purple collar), what a wonderful gift she has been to us. Not one of us can image our home without her.
2008 was a tough year for our family. Matt lost his life to the same cancer that took his arm two and a half years ago. We miss him dearly but we feel blessed by the 20 wonderful years that God entrusted him to us. Our “Rhea Sunshine” came to us because Mike told us, “Cancer patients heal faster with the loving companionship of a dog.” Rhea was laying on the bed right next to Matt when he passed away. I know she continues to help the rest of us heal.
Rhea loves lacrosse balls and sticks. She truly lives up to the retriever part of her name. However, we are still working on the “Drop it” command as she’s not very good about sharing her ball once she brings it back to us.
The attached picture was taken when Rhea was 11 months old. She loves the snow almost as much as the lacrosse balls, but the two things together are a fabulous treat. Thanks for the wonderful puppy, she is a Ray of Sunshine in our lives.
Carol, Jeff, Nicole and Mike