I wanted to give you an update on Sadie (Bandana, from Captain and Jasmine's July litter). She is doing great--as seemingly all the owners who write in to you say, everyone comments on beautiful she is, and she knows it! The trainer in our puppy class filmed her during their "puppy playtime" because she thought Sadie had such an expressive face that showed the classic play attitudes and behaviors so clearly that she could use the film in her classes. She is a favorite during "pass the puppy" in class and no one wants to give her up--she is calm and "snuggly" during the whole process and everyone is amazed at how relaxed she is during all of that handling. I give credit where it is due and explain all that you did with her and her litter-mates before she ever came to us. The other new puppy owners are very impressed--and jealous, I think!
Especially when I say that she has slept through the night from the very beginning--without any accidents! (That part really kills them!) She is so smart and is learning commands faster than either of our other two goldens at this age. She does have a bit of a stubborn streak when it comes to walking on the leash at times--she just sits down and looks at me like she's not moving another inch---but she is getting better at it everyday. She is a joy to have and we thank you for all that you did with her to make these first weeks so enjoyable.
We will keep sending occasional photos and updates (I know you hardly get any of those from others!) so you can see how she is doing.
Thanks again, Julie, Ron and Caitlin