I wanted to get you this gorgeous picture of Tucker taken during our July vacation to the lake when he was 7 months old.. He is a natural swimmer and had no hesitation taking off into the lake to retrieve - which he would do all day long if I let him. As you can see he is very handsome, he turns heads wherever we go. I couldn't be more happy with his personality and companionship. Once again you have provided me an outstanding friend.
My pet sitter says he is an old soul in a puppy body - he loves all creatures big and small. He adores my neighbors' girls - actually shows off for them if they don't notice him right away. He has very beautiful eyes - full of expression and he is curious about everything - always watching and thinking.
He is now 10 months old and weighs 75 lb.
Take care - I hope all is well with you and your family. Thank again,
Note: Click here for a previous post about Tucker