Maja (Maddie and Captain’s pup) is a sweet, smart, social puppy wrapped in an adorable little package. She loves people and other dogs. She can’t get enough of playing in the Snow!
She will be 14 weeks on Wednesday and is learning all about sit, stay, down and come. She is a very good student. Your training in the first 7 weeks has been so appreciated. She has been an excellent sleeper at night with no accidents in her kennel. We are enjoying walks to the park every day and had a great time at our cabin over the holidays. I can’t wait until she can go swimming in the lake.
We have received oodles of compliments and many visitors. A couple weeks ago I met a new neighbor at the park with her 3 year old golden (not from Rolling Oaks). Dave met the same neighbor a week after, and she told Dave her mother put in an application for a Rolling Oaks puppy, after seeing our Maja she told her mother about you.
I will attach a picture for you to see how big our little girl has gotten. A couple days ago she weighed 25 pounds. She has impressed everyone with her big paw print and how quickly she has grown. Not sure what this means?! Will our little girl become a big girl, or this an average weight at 13.5 weeks?
Thank you for breeding such a beautiful puppy! We love our little Maja. Our oldest college son calls to talk to her over the phone and she has visited St. Olaf to see our other son. She has many friends both people and dogs. She is quite the Maja!
Warm wishes,
Dave and Laurel