Hi Barb and Russ,
We couldn't be more pleased with our new little puppy. The boys have been spoiling our new pup and we couldn't love him more. He is adjusting so well. Sleeping well at night and taking several little naps during the day. He is playful yet can be content just hanging out with us as well. What a great match you made for us; we feel so blessed! We can't thank you enough for our new little guy!
We finally named him, his name is Sam. I attached a photo of him taken on Sunday. He did get taken to the vet on Saturday and is on meds for the coccidia (sp?) that he has tested positive for. His stool has not showed anything but he did test positive. The vet said he should be fine in 2 weeks; we will have him retested then.
His poddy training is going well. He goes to the door and does a short little wimper and that means he needs to go out. When he goes out he does his business right away...he is a quick learn...I also think it was a lot of the training you did as well before we got him. The kennel training was a huge help...he slept until 3:00 the first night and has been now going until about 5:45AM. That's a great gift!
By the way, he loves to swim in our pool with the guys. He has even jumped in trying to get to the's so adorable. Here a photo taken of me with the pup on Sunday. He's such a lover.
We love him and will stay in touch periodically. We will keep watching the blogs. Thank you again!
Faith, Steve, Bridger, Chase, Spencer, and Puppy Sam