February has been an unusual month for me. As I have posted in the past, Russ's step dad has been living with us for about 8 months, after suffering from a few strokes. There have been many medical apts. But he is now stable, and on Monday moved into a wonderful complex in Litchfield for the elderly. John's apt. is for independent living, and he can go to a dining room for all of his meals. This is a very big adjustment for an 80 year old who has milked cows his entire life! My heart goes out to him as he tries to process all the changes in life. It has been difficult for him to live here, with the phone ringing and process of a family business and all the activities a family our size brings. This photo was taken last spring, with our oldest dog Heidi, who just passed away. There have been a lot of emotions here!! I have put so much energy and time into Grandpa that my responses to some of you may have been delayed. I am sorry. But my first and highest calling is to my family. I hope that you can be patient with me and know that I value each and every one of you as a client, but can not always respond as quickly as I would like to.