I have not placed our older, retired dogs into homes until this year. It is emotional, as these girls have lived here all of their lives. They have hunted with Russ and the boys, swam with us, camped with us, and given birth to numerous beautiful puppies. The thought of them leaving was very difficult, yet, knowing that we have young dogs to take care of, and new breeding dogs coming up, we felt it best for both the older dogs and new owners to have them get a lot of one on one attention. We placed Zena and Lilly at the Emanuel Nursing Home in Litchfield. Both girls are doing so well, and are loved by so many people. They bring a smile to the face of an elderly person every day! Now it is Rose's turn, and we placed her in a loving home this last week. This is a photo of her sleeping next to her new owner. As hard as it is to let them go, I know it is the best for them to love and be loved in these atmospheres. It does seem like just yesterday Rose was toddling around as a puppy, and now she is 9 years old. She has lived a wonderful life, and hopefully will live many more years to bring the love to her new owners that she brought to us.