Wednesday, March 28, 2007


My son in law pointed out that there have almost 20,000 visitors to the Rolling Oaks Puppy News blog in one year! Obviously only a small fraction of these are our actual clients. Many more are friends and family of our clients, people shopping for a new puppy, other golden retriever lovers and fans of other dog breeds, and those who just randomly found us on the web. We started the blog a year ago, and I think it has been a great addition to our website. It keeps clients up to date on the next litter, and people getting a puppy can see all the places we go with the litter. It has been a wonderful year....getting to know a lot of you, and enjoying your photos and updates. You don't get a puppy very often. Hopefully every 10 to 14 years. When you do, it should be a good experience. We work hard to prepare the puppies for their new homes, and are selective in our breeding stock so we produce healthy, happy puppies. Even though we have been breeding Golden Retrievers for over 25 years, I continue to learn about food, training, socializing and over all health of the dogs. I have also learned a lot about people. We are all the same: we want to be a success, live life to the fullest, have friends, be liked...and we don't always achieve all those things! Hopefully getting a puppy brings new life into the home. Hope. A fresh start. You can make this little living being into a blessing, can be a handful. No puppy is perfect, nor is any person, but we strive to train our puppies correctly so they come when we say come...don't jump up on people...don't growl at humans, love us for who we are!

Goldens are my absolute favorite breed, because they are so sensitive to people. They know when you are hurting, happy or sad! And they love you regardless! I feel so blessed to be able to give you a puppy that will make a difference in your life. It will be a lot of work, but worth every minute! I am convinced that any relationship worth having takes allot of unselfish giving...and the relationship you have with your dog is no different! I don't have all the answers, but I try very hard to please my clients, and work together to make owning a Rolling Oaks Golden a wonderful experience. Please feel free to email me any time with any good reports about your dog, or any questions you may have. I will do my best to help you. I hope you have enjoyed the personal stories I have posted. I think it is important for you to know who we are and what we are about, outside the dog world :) Although, I feel like I live in Dog World, and sometimes it is better than the real one! Have a great day and thank you for visiting our site!